Friday, April 25, 2008

The End of Days

Well here we are at the last day. The end of days.

For those of you who don’t know. This is my last day working as a sales rep for a games distributor. I’d like to say that I made the decision to move on to greener pastures or something like that. But no. I was actually canned. Fired. Terminated. Asked to get the hell out. But they did it in a nice manner in which they asked for my two weeks. In turn I managed to finagle till the 30th of June. The stipulation was that if I found employment elsewhere before that date I would submit my notice.

That elsewhere employment I found was working for Williams Pipeline. We’ll go into that on another day in another post.

Yes. Here we are on the last day as a sales rep at a desk job.

I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you that there’s a surreal feeling that comes over an employee on their last day. A feeling of odd empowerment in which you can do anything.

I started the day with a check list of things I wanted to get done before the end of my last day. It started out with noble intentions. But with all things I put my mind to it became a bit warped. I’ve managed to complete all the tasks on my list and have begun doing other things which I haven’t added to the list yet. So far here is what we have:




Clean out the office:


Clean office

Give unwanted items as gifts to coworkers:


Bewildered coworkers

Read over all the funny emails:


Maniacal laughter

Stroll aimlessly through the offices:



Call all customers and let them know you're leaving:


Many well wishes from people who hate you

Send out a mass email to everyone in the company:


Many well wishes from people who hate you

Dance up and down the hallways:


Instant 30 min. dance party

Laugh maniacally at random:


Scared coworkers

Grind crotch on office chairs and desks:


People afraid to touch things

Punch a coworker:


Laughter of many. Hurt chest of one.

Use the term "Fuck your face" continuously:


Riotous laughter and some bewilderment.

Loom over people as they work:


Wary coworkers

Glare at anyone who makes eye contact:


Scared coworkers

Hiss at anyone who talks to you:


Scared coworkers

Make lewd comments to coworkers:



Proposition people for sexual acts:


No takers. (Thank goodness)


FScala said...

I hope to one day join you in scaring my coworkers, er, I mean leaving my craphole job..... But alas, no-one seems to want to hire me.

Ryon said...


Mine comes soon, too.

Wanna come england? we have a couch that transforms into a bed. For milena to sleep in as we have gaybutsechs all night long.