Friday, February 29, 2008

With great power comes great “reeshponsuhbiluhtay”

I was once asked why I only read the odd and bizarre news.

The reason is because the standard news is nothing but politics and things that make me want to eat a brick.

There’s no real blog today. Just random ranting. (most of it unfounded because I couldn’t be arsed to actually research and backup my opinions. Deal with it!)

I can has alty-mate-ums?.....

Honestly I believe that this is a great tool/idea that could go horribly wrong.

In the words of a good friend, “sites like MySpace and Facebook are nothing but places to whore yourself out”. And I believe him. Because I have a MySpace page… and I’m a whore. I should probably go touch up my MySpace photos with a few fresh “shirtless in the bathroom” pics.

Ok, I’m not really a whore, but for the right price… and you’re a hot chick….. (What?! I’m in need of the cash and I could use a little play too.)

While this addition to Facebook would be a great addition for activists and people looking to do some good in the world, I think it will ultimately be wasted. Lets face it. The majority of the people on Facebook (and MySpace) are of the “lolcats” variety, children, morons, or webcam wenches. (I’m probably one of those…. Or all of them. I’m not sure. And I’m whore also.) Think about it. Their main motivators for having these accounts are to whore themselves out, regurgitate the latest internet meme, and try to get laid. Now imagine giving them this potentially useful tool. Sure some of you out there (probably not me) would use this nifty “Ultimatum” tool for the betterment of the world. Or at least you’d use it intelligently (once again… not me). But then there’s the drooling masses. Place this tool in their grimy hands and you know it will only be used for drama and lolcats. With ultimatums like, “if enough people sway in my favor then the action is that all the hot chicks on my friend list have hot steamy sex with me. If they sway in the other direction then the action is that three of them get with me”. (That’s actually not a bad idea. But how to implement it? I know! I’ll start a Facebook account and use that Ultimatum thingie!)

Just remember kiddies. With great power comes great “reeshponsuhbiluhtay”.

Proof that the past will haunt you….

Holy crap! It’s like the Butterfly Effect in real life!

But really folks, the guy is 71. There’s not much you’re going to get out of him at this point. Now I have to make sure that the chicken nugget I threw away at lunch time doesn’t somehow land me in jail fifty years from now. (by the way, there’s a sequel to the aforementioned movie that I’m avoiding like the plague. If you’ve seen it let me know how it is.)

How freaking big are the poop chutes in India?!....

Ok, I may not be a doctor… but my dad is an ObGyn, which makes me an expert by proxy. All I have to say is, “What the hell happened to the umbilical chord?!”.

This will turn into one of those odd baby stories the parents tell the boyfriend or fiancĂ©. “Yeah, we found her on the train tracks… after she fell in the toilet.”

I can’t really fault the mother though. The baby was 3 months premature. That and every time I have Indian food things slide right out of me too.

Japan is so freaking cool… and scary at the same time…

I don’t have much to say about this one. You can laugh if you want to but think about your mom. Think about the times when you were a kid where she seemed like an unstoppable force of your impending doom. Think about the times where sweet lovable mom scared the shit out of you. Now put boxing gloves on that.

Yeah, moms are scary.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Heh!.. I drew this
I thought it was funny.
Therefore it is here.

First some strange news!

Hey kids! We screwed up… and you’re going to eat it. EAT IT ALL!

Well damn! I wish my elementary school had done a “traditional school lunch week”. But nooo! The best I got was what we unlovingly referred to as “roadkill pizza”. Rectangle slabs of cheese, pepperoni shavings, and sauce on top of crust that had a patterning beneath that strangely resembled tire treads.

By the way... can anyone tell me why the school lunch gravy always had that vague greenish tinge to it?

I’s in yo yard! Eatenz all ur dawgz!

I’ll have to admit that I laughed while reading this. By no means am I dog hater. Well except for Chihuahuas. I can’t stand the yappy little ankle nippers. They’re the physical embodiment of Napoleonic Syndrome. Anyway… Read through this and you’ll see many things that I laughed at. The majority of them are cases of human stupidity.

Large beastie stalking your pet for days and you do nothing…. STUPID

You find the big bastard in your pet’s bed and do nothing…. STUPID

Flinging plastic chairs at 110 lbs. of crushing death…. STUPID

Owning a tiny yapping rat of a dog…. STUPID (but that’s just my personal view there.)

But really, I do feel bad for that pup. Well actually only half of it. The terrier half. The other half can rot in Chihuahua hell for all I care.

I also feel bad for the kids that saw it happen. That’s going to screw them up for a while. What a really messed up way to see the beloved family pet go out. Although if you play it right it could be something absolutely bad ass! It’s all in the way you retell the story later on in life. A little embellishment here and there and next thing you know Mr. Scampers is a freaking hero sacrificing himself in order to defend you and your family from a rampaging python. Hells yes!

Adults are morons…..

I don’t have much to say on this one.

Parent = MORON

School Administrator = MORON

It mentions that the child’s choice in hairstyle was a distraction to his classmates. Well duh! They’re in kindergarten! Everything is a freaking distraction to little kids.

I really feel bad for this kid. All he wants to do is rock a Mohawk but all the adults around him are morons.

Sorry kid. Maybe if you wait till highschool where you’re under the delusion that you can do what you want. Fight the power, damn the man, blah blah blah….

I’ve just noticed that not too long ago I had made some sort of promise to deliver a movie “review” for every blog post. (WTF is up with that? I must have been drunk or something.) And it seems I have not been living up to that promise. To this all I have to say is, “Shut Up!.. in fact.. STFU!”.

Yes I still have no life. Yes I still watch at least one movie a night. Yes if I so felt like it I could write up some sort of review. But you know what? This is my damn blog. I will do what I want when I want. I’ll tell you what I want when I want. YOU’LL READ WHAT I WANT YOU TO READ! (A translation of that would be, “I was too lazy to type up a review.”)

It’s occurred to me that a number of people I have known for years believe me to be a Jr. (junior). Granted my name does have the suffix of “II” at the end of it. But this in no way makes me “junior”. I asked my father about that years ago and his reply was, “because I didn’t want people calling you Junior. I hate that. So I purposefully put a roman numeral 2 on your birth certificate.”. And to that I thank my father. I’ve known many a “Junior” who tend to dislike being called by that moniker. (By the way, if you ever want to piss my father off, call me Junior in front of him. It’s hilarious.)

It doesn’t really anger me when people refer to me as Junior, but I will correct them on the spot. What angers me is when they reply with, “yeah! That means Junior”.

No! No you dimwit! By no means does a roman numeral 2 mean Junior. It’s the 2nd! THE 2nd! Jr. means Junior! And I am not a junior because nowhere in my damn name does it say “jr.”! You’re fired! Clean off your desk, go home, and shoot yourself in the face!

And this brings us to my name in use at the workplace. It was brought to my attention a while back that people I’ve been working with closely for the past 6 years still don’t know my name. Please take a moment to look on the right side of the screen. There you should see my name. Yeah there you go… right there… under the “About Me” section. See it? That’s right, my name is Stanford. Just like the university, and just like my dad. (because I was named after him… duh.)

So for 6 years three particular coworkers insisted on calling me Stanley. To which I promptly verbally corrected them. I even gave them options other than my full formal first name. Six years of saying, “It’s Stanford. Just call me Stan,” every morning is pretty aggravating. One in particular would be a fellow sales rep who felt the need to announce my presence every time I passed by his office. In a shout he would call out “Stanley!”. He would even go so far as to put emphasis on the “ley” by pronouncing it in a higher shrill octave. It was a triple insult. Wrong name screamed in a shrill painful tone with an emphasis on the part of the name that makes it wrong. I was always torn between correcting him or running away before he could produce that obnoxious noise again.

After a while I decided to implement “Project: Say My Name!”. This project was designed to get my three coworkers acclimated to my actual name. It went a little something like this:

Stage1: Signing interoffice documents.

I began signing all interoffice documents and emails with my full name. (Complete with roman numeral 2 suffix.) It soon turned out that no one reads an email further than the body. They don’t care about your signature at the bottom.

Stage 2: Wear a name tag.

This one died the day it was implemented. Coworkers have an aversion to reading any text located on the body. This is due to fear of sexual harassment charges or having another coworker think that you harbor feelings for them. For the whole day people would refuse to look lower than my neck. A whole day of having people look me in the eyes when they talked. (And I swear if they had smiled at the same time I would have taken it as an act of aggression and probably attacked them.) It was a really bizarre feeling. I kept thinking, “I’m a guy! I don’t have breasts. It’s alright for you to look at my chest. I really don’t mind. I even wore a name tag welcoming you to look”. All in all at the end of the day I felt it was a failed attempt. (That and everyone’s refusal to look at anything other than my face made me feel very unattractive.)

Stage 3: Do unto others!

This one lasted a whopping 3 days. I spent three days responding to these three people by calling them by random names. It resulted in them thinking that I was crazy. (Which in itself has its benefits…. but not many.)

Stage 4: Resignation.

That’s right, I gave in. I’m sorry dad, but my new name is Stanley Junior. And I guess by default your name is Stanley Senior.

It’s easier this way. People will think what they want and call you what they want. Even if they’re wrong. There’s no use in correcting them because the wrong info has ingrained itself and will never fade. Your name will forever be Stanley.

Stage 5: (Work In Progress)

This stage is still in the planning process. It involves a lead pipe, bricks, and a bit of pain. I figure that it’ll be hard for someone to call you anything at all if they no longer posses the ability to form words. I just have to find a way to implement it without the police showing up. They tend to ruin everything… with their guns and batons……

I’ll be mulling this over while I eat my “traditional dinner” tonight.

Yes I drew this one too.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Can I have a blanket?

I spent my whole work day being productive!...... reading odd news articles. Because that’s my job. Really I swear. Oh just shut up and keep reading.

This has got to be one of the most drastic and interesting breakups I’ve ever heard about.

We smokers may be silly for killing ourselves ever so slowly, but some non smokers are just psychotically crazed.

The future is watching you.

This thing is hella cool and creepy at the same time. I want one. (Mainly so that I’ll have someone/something that will pay attention to me.)

I wonder if it’s a one size fits all type deal.

Sweden is so freaking awesome, their hospitals give you underwear to wear! My stays in US hospitals have always been sans underwear and wrapped in that flimsy napkin they call a hospital gown. It’s always disturbing how you suddenly end up naked whenever you go into a hospital. It has to be some strange medicinal voodoo they learn while in medical school.

Doc: What seems to be the problem Mr. Walker?

Me: My throat has been bothering me lately.

Doc: Lets take a look.

Me: Ok.

Doc: Abra-ca-nudie I sees yo booty!

Me: GAH! Where the hell are my clothes?!

And then there’s the time I rolled my car 4 times and ended up in shock trauma. There was at least some forewarning in that one. But even still, I ended up on a table with my goods exposed to the elements. Good thing they had me doped up. That just made everything alright… for the time being.

Doc: Ok Stan. We’re going to have to cut your clothes off.

Me: huh? Ok… but I just bought these jeans.

Doc: *snippity snip*

Me: Am I naked now?

Doc: Yes you are. (he was stifling a chuckle at this point. I was told later that I was quite comical while doped up and suffering from a concussion.)

Me: Can I have a blanket?

Doc: No, not yet.

Me: I don’t like this.

Doc: Now we have to roll you onto your side to check you for internal bleeding.

Me: I don’t like you now!

My recent experience was just before my hernia operation. I was standing in the post op area with my mother, once again garbed in the flimsy napkin, and staring at my surgeon as he went over the notes just before putting me under and cutting me open. Without warning the doctor whipped up my gown to take a look at the areas he needed to fix. I’m not going to go into great detail of the incident. But I will say, if it hadn’t been for my mother’s lightning fast ninja reflexes she would have gotten an eye full of my junk. And that’s something I don’t want to live with. Imagine sitting at family dinners staring across the table at your mother in silence and thinking, “You’ve seen my goods… and that’s not good.”. (Yes I know she changed my diapers and whatnot when I was a baby. I know that she has seen me nude before. But that was back when I was a small child. A lot of things have changed since then, and some of them a mother should not be privy too.) I do love how the doctor maintained an apathetic stare as he poked at my stomach. Meanwhile the nurses and my mother have heads turned away almost to the point of breaking their own neck, and I proved that a black man can blush.

US hospitals are sinister and full of nude people. I have a feeling it’s some sort of incognito porn recruitment center. I’m sure there’s some sort of manual the doctors refer to. I’ll ask my dad.

He’s a doctor you know….

Probably why I have so many siblings…..

I think I’m going to go into the medical field…..

To help people……. Really…..

So in short (which wasn’t so short because I talk too much and will go off on rants, tangents, and run on sentences.) if I don’t make it in the medical field I’m going to pack up and move to Sweden. Because their hospitals give you underwear to wear. And that’s just freaking awesome beyond belief. Don’t believe me? Go have an extended stay in a hospital and see how much you beg for undies. If not for you, then for the creepy old lady who shuffles down the hall past your doorway.

Shake it grandma, shake it. Just somewhere else.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'll snake YOUR drain!...

I’d like to take a little time today to rant about where I live. Because that’s what I do. Live… and rant. Now I’m not the type of guy who would bad mouth a person or company blatantly. No no, I’m the type of guy who will bad mouth a person or company and not name them. Finger pointing sans the fingers (well maybe the middle one).

Monday I had to call out sick from work. Turned out that I caught some flu bug going around. Which resulted in me laying in bed achy nauseous and dizzy. I hate calling out sick from work. As bizarre as it sounds, I need to go to work. If not I’ll eventually get bored... very bored… dangerously bored. Needless to say, when I’m home sick I end up laying in bed bored and unable to do anything. (Funny thing about that though. No matter how tired and dizzy I am, somehow I manage to summon enough energy and focus to sprint to the bathroom when the stomach commands.)

Around 7 on Monday night I had begun feeling well enough to hazard eating some soup. When I got up I began to hear the familiar sounds of thumping. For any who don’t own rabbits, thumping is a way for rabbits to warn others that danger is nearby. I tend to ignore them because the fuzzy town criers go off at the slightest thing. Although they also warn me when the kitchen ninja makes an appearance. So as I stumbled into my kitchen I saw what they were trying to warn me of. It was yeti! Not really. But I believe a yeti would have been more preferable at the moment.

As it turned out, the kitchen sink was also feeling ill. Gallons upon gallons of murky dank water bubbled up from the drain, filled the sink, and spilled over the edge. Within a matter of seconds my kitchen was an aquatic wonderland. I lie. It was a disgusting swamp of ground down discarded food particles. And the sink persisted in its gurgling eruptions. I then realized that it wasn’t just a swamp of garbage disposal upchuck. It was in fact a swamp of garbage disposal upchuck that had been sitting in the pipes for a very long time. The stench was the type that sends you instantly into a frantic frenzy to either escape it or nullify it. That and when the smell hit me I realized that I was standing ankle deep in it… barefoot. When moments like these happen it’s usually best to move away from me.

Freak out mode was almost instantaneously initiated. Once the WTF switch was hit I went from Sickly Smurf to Enraged Psychopath in less than .0005 seconds. It was quite an exhilarating trip complete with stomping, yelling, hitting things, and death threats to no one in particular. After the 30 minutes of rampage while watching the sink spew more filth in defiance I resigned myself to my fate… vomiting.

Once the sink had ceased I found my mop, bucket, and bleach. With skank water covering my little piggies I mopped and seethed. (It’s like multitasking. I’m awesome that way.) At one point I called the maintenance department requesting their aid in unclogging my sink. (Yes I was seething then too.) During my conversation with them I heard the upstairs neighbors start running water (dishwasher) which lead to me muttering, “I don’t think that’s good.”. And like a pissed off-modern-day-barefoot-slop-covered Nostradamus I was CORRECT! And once again ankle deep in the unknown spewing curses almost as fast as the sink was. The maintenance department was delightfully fast in arriving and undelightfully fast in making a stupid comment. “Yep, you have a backed up drain.” (I withheld my "No shit Sherlock”.)

At that point the gentleman deduced that the clog was somewhere after my drainage line. (And he managed to do that without a pipe or violin.) During that time he explained that all the sink drainages in the apartments directly above mine lead to one main line which goes down into the ground and out. And this is the reason why ground level apartments flood due to clogs and the upper levels do not. (If you’re a smart monkey you’ll have figured out that I’m ground level. AKA the Break In Level. BTW I do have weaponry and a lack of morals or hesitation in case you want to make a surprise/emergency visit.)

While my delightful maintenance detective was surmising the reasons and whys of the flooding the sink began to do its thing again. This time non-food particles began to float to the surface. As remnants of tea bags began to float to the surface I caught a nasty glance from the maintenance guy. “I don’t drink tea,” was my instant response. Then chunks of sponges of various colors. Once again a nasty glance. “Why the fuck would I grind sponges in the garbage disposal?!” was my instant response. And then came the clencher. The proof needed to show that I’m not a disposal abusing bastard. A few (and I mean more than 3) remains of tampons were spotted swimming around in the sink like albino gold fish. At this point I was expecting condoms and a few chopped up hooker bits to come up too. After fishing one of them out the maintenance man looked at me and said, “I’m going to snake the drain and then have a talk with your neighbors.”

For the 45 minutes it took him to clear the drain I sat and listened to the snake moving through the pipes. It was like hearing a rat the size of a large dog moving through the walls. Once everything was said and done I returned to the kitchen to mop. I threw up again. Mopped that up. Took a shower and went back to bed. You stop wanting food after you’ve seen the week old stuff float past you. Besides… I was soaking in it for an hour or more. I figure I got all I needed for the day.

(I would have made this one funnier. But really… it wasn’t funny.)

Today I woke up to cold. Not just any cold. I mean testicles retracted into your abdomen, nipples cutting diamonds, I can’t feel my legs type of cold. At some point during the night my heating unit decided to take a day off of work. So when I sat up in bed and saw my breath I pretty much expected to see a little kid tell me that he sees dead people. Actually I think that would have been more comforting or entertaining.

I took the fastest and coldest shower I had ever had in my life. (By the way ladies, I really don’t know what you see in us guys. When women are cold they become a little more “attractive”. When guys are cold, we become…. “ineffective”.) Is it me or does it seem as though soap really doesn’t want to rinse off when the water is cold? After a while I was resorting to acts of pure desperation to get the soap off of me and out of the cold water. And into the cold air. (hooray!)

After getting to work I called the business office of my apartment complex to report my lazy heating unit. There was no answer. I didn’t sweat it too much. It was 8:32 in the AM and the office opened at 8:30. Whoever was there was most likely trying to finish up on their opening procedures.

9:30 I gave another ring. No answer.

10:00 Called again. No answer.

11:30 Called again. No answer. Pissed.

12:00 Called again. No answer. Livid.

12:02 Called again.

12:05 Called again.

12:06 And again.

12:07 Called the leasing office. Was told to call the business office again.

About this time I had had enough. The leasing office has informed me that there were quite a few people working in the business office and someone should be answering. Cue the Overlord Complex.

12:15 Called the business office. No answer.

12:16 Called the leasing office. That went something like this.

Me= me (duh)

LOP= Leasing Office Person

Me: I tried calling the business office several times and no one answers.

LOP: Sir, I’m sure if you call them now someone will answer.

Me: You’re sure?

LOP: I’m positive, sir.

12:20 Called the business office. No answer. (cue cursing and yelling)

12:23 Called the leasing office.

Me: You are going to go tell someone in the business office to answer the phone.

LOP: Sir I’m sure if you give them some time…

Me: I’ve given them time. Now go tell them to answer the phone.

LOP: Sir we’re in a different building than…

Me: No you’re not! I’m a tenant. I’ve seen the building. The leasing office is under the business office. Now you either GET UP and go upstairs or you call upstairs and TELL them answer the phone.

*CLICK* (That would be them hanging up on me.)

12:30 Called the business office. Someone answers.

Me=me (again)

Ass= Business Office Person

Me: Hello. I live at (insert address here) and I’d like to report that my heating unit has stopped running. I would like for someone to have that repaired and/or replaced. (see that? I totally omitted the fact that I had to call billions of times to get them to answer.)

Ass: Alright sir. I’ll have the request posted. We’ll have it done by Friday.

Me: You mean A.S.A.N.

Ass: Sir?

Me: As Soon As Now.

Ass: Sir these things take time.

Me: According to your policy and the lease plumbing, AC, Electrical, Gas, and Heating problems are considered emergency situations and handled immediately.

Ass: Sir we will have it fixed as soon as we can.

*CLICK* (That is, yet again, me being hung up on.)

12:40 Called the Maintenance Department directly. They answered immediately.

Me= (do I really have to tell you?)

AGIM= Awesome Guy In Maintenance.

Me: Hi. I live at (address). My heating unit stopped working last night and I need it fixed as soon as possible.

AGIM: Ok. Not a problem. Just let me talk to the business office about it first.

Me: I spoke to them earlier. The kinda ran me circles and said something about Friday.

Me: I’ve already talked to them. They ran me circles and said something about Friday.

AGIM: That sounds like them. Since they already know I’ll just head on over then.

Me: Thanks!

It took nearly 5 hours of phone tag and business office douche baggery to get someone to look at my heating unit. I never realized I lived in a lesser level of hell until someone pointed out the demons and lake of fire. No wait, I'm wrong. Hell is warmer than my apartment.

I really do need to move.

What have we learned here?

1. Just because you give them money doesn’t mean they give a shit about you.

2. People in offices are deathly afraid of the phone.

3. When they say “sir” or “ma’am” they’re actually calling you an asshole.

4. Going through improper channels usually gets things done faster.

5. Douche Baggery is not just a state of mind. It’s a workplace lifestyle.

6. I pay too much for my crappy apartment.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pirates, Ninjas, and Lagomorphs

So I was thinking. I should definitely become a cop. After the run in with a K9 Unit I toyed with the idea of becoming a person of authority. I could found the Lepus Unit. No seriously. Horses are employed for their speed. Dogs, because of their keen sense of smell. Well why not rabbits? Their superior sense of hearing and danger could be of great use.

Can you imagine stepping out of your home to come face to face with a officer who has a pissed off lop ear at their side? Hollywood would eat it up! They’d make heartwarming family movies about a hard edged grizzled cop forcibly teamed up with an adorable fuzzy bunny. Of course it’s rough in the beginning as cop is a cold heartless man who’s seen more than his fair share of crime, brutality, and victims. Meanwhile bunny is.. well disgustingly cute but also trained to be the ULTIMATE police sidekick. Eventually through comical antics and life savings abounds cop’s heart warms up to bunny and they become an unstoppable team for JUSTICE! Toss in a love interest and maybe a kid or two. I’m thinking Christopher Walken, Denzel Washington, Chrisitan Bale, or Bruce Willis to play the part of ‘cop’.

Of course there would be a lot of training and probably steroids involved. And I’m not talking about using your run of the mill mini puffball bunny. I’m talking about of these big guys:

Hell, throw a saddle on that bastard and you can replace the police horse. Look at that! I just created the US Mounted Lepus Force. Of course people will joke around and call them “Hoppies” or “Hoppers”. But not after they get a dose of teeth gnashing giant rabbit rage.

(Can you tell I’m really bored?)

Last night I had settled down to watch the third and last movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. Of course beer and boredom was involved. I’d have a whole write up and list of Life Lessons for you but I was interrupted with.. (Drum Roll)….. THE RETURN OF THE KITCHEN NINJA!

During the movie the rabbits began thumping trying to alert everyone of impending danger. (See! Helpful bunnies.) When I went to see what was so threatening to them I spied the infamous Kitchen Ninja as he deftly ducked for cover. So with 4 beers in me I deemed it necessary to dispose of him. That night was pretty much spent in a drunken rampage flinging furniture around as I tried to catch and eradicate him. But before that I actually had to round up rabbits and return them to their homes. Then the rampage. (I did not succeed in the eradication.)

Quote of the night: “Dammit rabbit! You’re 10 times his size! Stop running from him and just kick his ass!”

(Sometimes my life is just plain sad.)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

There goes the neighborhood....

There’s something surreally sobering when I realized that the doggy and jogger combo I saw this morning in my apartment complex was actually a K9 Unit. It was a moment where I thought to myself, “The police are always in the neighborhood. They patrol a lot. (That should mean something right there.) It’s not the best neighborhood in the world but this is normal. And yet I’m disturbed that this man is on foot…. With a dog… Something must have gone down. And now they are obviously looking for something. Probably something bad…really bad. I should probably just go home and call out from work”. I really couldn’t help but stop and wonder if the two were searching for illegal drugs, a corpse, an armed felon sneaking through the neighborhood (which could be pretty much anyone in the neighborhood), a doctor, or all of the above. Honestly I think I’d feel much better if they were actually hunting down the little shits that keep discharging the fire extinguishers in the buildings.

My “surreally sobering” moment suddenly turned all too “real” and all too “worrying” when the fuzzy officer stopped searching and just started staring at me. Now don’t get me wrong. I like dogs. (With the exception of the tiny yappy things with Napoleonic Syndrome.) My family in NY has a long haired German Shepherd who is absolutely my buddy. But this dog dripped with cruel intentions. He had a gleam in his eyes that said, “one move. One tiny move and your balls become a squeaky chew toy!”. I’m sure he was trained that way, but my balls and myself only cared about not being near him. (I’m serious. It was that hardened “I done time in the slammer” type of stare that makes your ass clench and your junk retreat into your abdominal cavity.) Actually I think it was the fact that the pooch took a notice of me that incited my onset of awkward and unwarranted paranoia. (I hadn’t done anything wrong. What was I worrying about?)

Well of course since the pup noticed me the human officer decides to speak to me. (by the way, I say pup but he was a full grown German Shepherd….. on steroids… super steroids… from space.) The exchange went like this.

Officer: Good morning sir.

Me: Good morning sir. (You always say “Sir” to an officer. Because they have batons and GUNS)

Officer: We’re just doing a routine check here. We’ve been told that kids like to hang out in the park area, do some underage drinking, and other things. There were also reports of drug use.

Me: Oh. Yeah I’ve seen them at the park late at night. I really didn’t think much of it. They just looked like noisy teenagers.

Officer: Have you noticed anything odd in your neighborhood lately?

Me: Honestly sir, I go to work and then come straight home. I generally keep to myself. (Internally I thought, “Aw crap. That’s going to land me on some sort of ‘watch this guy’ list.”)

Officer: You should be a little more aware of the happenings in the neighborhood, sir. We don’t know if something is happening until you tell us.

And with that they left. My butt unclenched, my genitals slowly came out of hiding, and I was able to move along.

I really need to move.